Jan 18, 2012

Nail Post!

Hey guys! I know this has NOTHING to do with American Girl.... but I just did my nails and want to show you guys! This is my first time EVER doing anything more than painting my nails as solid color!! I know they're not very good, but I'm SO excited!! Here they are:

Best hand (left! I'm a right-y!)

Best individual finger (left hand; ring finger)

Best pair of fingers (thumbs)

I know it's a little hard to tell the design- it's a blue base with pink and orange plaid. So cute! Hope you enjoy!

Jan 12, 2012


Here's a great way to win the GOTY McKenna Brooks! Go to:


This girl Georgia is giving away a GOTY McKenna Brooks doll for FREE if you comment on her page or enter to blog for her! I entered for both, hoping I'll win McKenna!

You can also just visit her blog: http://inquisitivegirls.blogspot.com/ and check it out!


P.S. Georgia if you see this post and are reading it now PLEASE consider me to be a blogger for your blog! I would love to, and I love to blog, as you can see here! Thank you!

Jan 3, 2012

McKenna's Games and Activity

McKenna Brooks, Girl-of-the-Year 2012, has two games and one interactive activity. I tried all of them, and here's what I think!
(The views and opinions expressed here are mine, and do not reflect the views or opinions of American Girl Inc. This blog is not affiliated with American Girl Inc.)

McKenna's Cups and Cupcakes
Serving Customers in McKenna's Cups and Cupcakes
In this game, McKenna helps her mom serve a few customers when their coffee shop gets busy. The customers come in with their order, you take it, prepare the food, and deliver it to them. At the end of a round, you can also get a 100 point bonus by unscrambling a word related to McKenna or the coffee shop.
This game is actually very fast-paced, and I had trouble keeping up at times! It's nothing special, but a cute game, and good for when you have an extra ten or fifteen minutes. Overall, I like it, but don't love it.

McKenna's Word Fetch:

McKenna and her dog Cooper playing McKenna's Word Fetch
In the game McKenna's Word Fetch, McKenna and her dog Cooper try to fetch the letters to spell the word in the lower left-hand corner. You do this by aiming the arrow at the letter you want, and  clicking down to throw a stick for Cooper to fetch. If you land on the letter, you get it added to the word you are trying to spell. Whether you hit the letter or not, Cooper retrieves the stick, and you throw again. This goes on until you either spell the word and move on to the next, or run out of time.
The game was, again, quite simple, but geared towards a younger audience, of course. I did get a little bored after about five or six words, but the game has a good plot, and incorporating Cooper and playing fetch into a more-or-less "learning" game was a great idea on American Girl's part.

McKenna's Take the Challenge!:
Homepage of McKenna's Take the Challenge! Here, you can register, or continue your challenge if you are already registered.

In the activity Take the Challenge, girls register to take a quiz and complete challenges, learning about their strengths, and challenging themselves to do better in all areas. In addition, when you register with the Take the Challenge activity, you are automatically entered into a drawing to win a McKenna doll and her first book. Once you complete all ten challenges in one areas (math and numbers, music and rhythm, etc.) you earn a trophy. You can then either continue working on challenges, or create a routine which you can send to friends and family as an e-mail. There is also a 'Bonus Challenge of the Month' where you can earn things like new outfits and hairstyles to use in your routine.
This activity was my favorite because you 1) Are automatically entered in a McKenna prize drawing, 2) compete in challenges and earn trophies, learning about your strengths, and seeing how you can work on weaknesses, and 3) Create a fun (and quite realistic looking) routine you can send to your friends and family.

All of these games and activities are worth a try. Leave a comment with your favorite of the three and why! Have fun playing!

Pictures: McKenna's Cups and Cupcakes (http://www.americangirl.com/play/girl-of-the-year/mckenna/?page=games&popup=CupsCupcakes#page=games&popup=CupsCupcakes); McKenna's Word Fetch (http://www.americangirl.com/play/girl-of-the-year/mckenna/?page=games&popup=CupsCupcakes#page=games&popup=WordFetch); McKenna's Take the Challenge (http://www.americangirl.com/play/girl-of-the-year/mckenna/take-the-challenge.php)

Jan 1, 2012

More JLY outfits out to kick off 2012!!

Just thought I'd update on new outfits: Here's everything that's been released for sale as a 2012 kick-off!
(Copy and paste link in parenthesis under picture in your search box to be directed to the page for purchasing. I was given NO monetary supplement for advertising these products on this site.)
Blue Tank & Brief Set

Flower Purse for Dolls

Party Purse for Dolls

Ruffled Hoodie Outfit

Sports Top & Brief Set

Sporty Sunglasses for Dolls

Sporty Wristlet for Dolls