Sep 26, 2012

Giveaway on!!

Hey everyone-

There's a super great giveaway going on at! To go to the entry page, go to:
You can win a 4 piece bedding set (blanket, 2 accent pillows and one sleeping pillow) that is valued at $25 USD for free! There will be ONE winner chosen at random.

The basic guidelines are to go to the giveaway page and post which bedding set is your favorite of the ones being sold by this girl on (The link to her Etsy page is on the entry page). You then post a comment on the entry page... that's all! Super simple and SOOOO worth the two minutes it takes to enter!

Here are some rules, and info about EXTRA ENTRIES (more chances to win!):

-Post it on your blog (hence, this post!)
-Post it in a forum
-Tweet about the contest
-Share link to contest entry page with your friends on Facebook
-Like them on Facebook
-Follow their's and the "sponsor"'s boards on Pinterest
-Follow their Instagram
**(more info on this and links to pages on the entry page)

-Deadline is OCTOBER 2, 2012 (midnight)
-Must be 13 or older or have parent/adult permission

That's all for now and good luck to you! Wish me luck too!

Sep 18, 2012

Super Quick and Unattractive Post...

Hi everyone,

I've been so so so busy during the past month, and I am soooooo behind on posting, and I feel awful! Can I just cover some of the things I want to right now in one very un-detailed post to get it off my chest? Thanks! Here it goes:

1. End-of-Summer Post: Okay, so you're totally updated on everything JLY, but I completely left you hanging with the GOTY and Historical Character posts! I'm sure you are fully caught up there, so I'm not gonna go into detail over this, but sorry for not going over it sooner guys!

2. CAROLINE ABBOTT: Oh my goodness, I cannot believe I have not dedicated a post to this new historical doll yet! Besides the fact that she is beyond gorgeous, AG came out with a new eye color for her!! Can we start seeing this color on new JLY dolls in the future, AG? Her time period is very unlike any other Historical dolls, so they opened up a whole new area of discovery, and more importantly- products! Her collection is unique and I cannot wait to see what AG can further come up with for this wonderful girl!*

3. Organized my AG Stuff: Okay, so it's finally done! It took a while; prep, cleaning, getting permission from my parents on what cabinets I could "take over". It was worth the effort though, because it is totally finished for now and I cannot wait to tell you guys (with pics) all about this project in detail! I'll include things like:
- Organization: What went where
- Setting up
- Storage options
- Tips and tricks on how you can do this yourself!
I am beyond excited that all of my AG stuff is finally in place, and I can enjoy my dolls even more now without worrying about clutter and losing objects!*

4. New hairstyle: It's not really new, actually, but more improved. The classic "fishtail braid" is hard to do on AG dolls because their hair is not very long, so I have figured out a great way to create a fishtail braid that is fast, easy, and lasts all day! I'll for SURE be posting about this soon!*

(*I may or may not do a more detailed post on this topic... you'll have to wait and see!)

That's pretty much all for now everyone, but I hope you like what you hear in terms of what's in store for this site! Thanks for not abandoning me, even when it seemed I abandoned you! I look forward to keep posting on this blog for all of you! Love you all!

(P.S. My new posting goal is an "update post" about once a month, which will be something like a new JLY or product, one new hairstyle or very small project from me, or a seasonal release that includes a few new outfits. I also plan to include a "major post" every two or three months, but this will be adjusted as needed. This would include something like new GOTY or Historical Character release, a significant change to anything about AG, or any major projects and activities on my part. I HOPE I CAN POST USING THESE GUIDELINES FOR HOW OFTEN I BLOG! BE SURE TO CHECK BACK ABOUT ONCE A MONTH TO GET THE LATEST ON WHAT'S BEEN GOING ON WITH AMERICAN GIRL!)